Wednesday, 10 February 2010

CAS Ideas before their time

Hi all,

here are my notes from the seminar. I know some parts will not make much sense, so feel free to ask.


Ideas before their time

Notes from Symosium

1980s BBC

started 1981


Brian Reffin-Smith

Playes LP of collected speeches of enin - where can you buy this?

Improvisation as a sense of power vs reading

computer art should push the frontiers of art and not technology alone,

how are things rediscovered

how should this be done

how can CA get to be a contribution to contemporary art

reexport old ideas or harvest anew?

early video digitisers

physical movement of the image allowed you to interfere with the image

Liles wax cylinders!!

Pen plotters vs ink jet

unsafe technologies

both these examples are technique based

but there very idea of uncertainty is central to art

computer based art vs conceptual art

conceptual art - what is going on in a video, picture, etc

after is always revisionist (reactionary?)

pixel counts does not equal good art

paraphysics? {logic as sense as a pathological manual for experience?}

what was going on in an earlier era

you end up here you started and everything has changed

Computer Art and Cybernetics



includes website in with the physical sites, as he should

collected ca since the late 1960s

patric prince collection

computer arts society

ca 500

conference to trace key artists

search the collections - on line catalogue

National Art Library catalogue NAL

Computer Art webpages

Anonymous works

digital pioneers book - best seller

exhibition in 88a and 90a

mostly print work

collection exhibition talked through

v&a continue to acquire material

Stroud Cornock

Co operative rather than competitive

Signal Intelligence - HK

back to modern art in US/UK

"looking for something to be committed to"

1967 - sculpture organising principle based on geometry

1968 - an epiphany - sight of the work through the eyes of the previous generation

challenge to make an art for everyman

abandoned modern art for interactivity

next body of work created

computer graphics work 1969 shown 1970

interactivity not a movement in art but a curiosity

confined to spcialised events

where is the masterpiece??


early work

datapack 1970 - conversation with a computer resulting in a plot

interested in the psychology of the response


communications game - using constructed network and booths to isolate

interaction takes place in time

art about communication


Darko Fritz


tendencies 4 1968

electronic posters - drawing with light

dynamic objects

playing with the boundaries between order and randomness

computer language will be a language which will last

language incapable to convey music or art

Computer Art and Time

George Mallen

Art in Human Culture

we have been us for a short period of time

is IT the next step in our evolution?

separate functional intelligences - check paper

Mount Toba eruption

cataclysmic event and near extinction

aspects of humanity retained after this event 74000 years ago

on to the modern age

separate functionalities which lead to a difficulty of communication between these areas:





wealth creation

software upgrade for our culture?

computing as this upgrade? knowledge stored outside ourselves

data soliloquies - book discussed


1968- two exhibitions in london and in croatia exchange happened in Zagreb between FN and Italian group

1970 - there should be no computer art - article

stopped until mac was developed

{revolutions always to the left}

in the era of globalisation, the international has come true, but without the uprising

to today, infrastructure has changed sustainably ( it cannot be returned to it's earlier state)

1965 the algorithm revolution seizes art

exhibition lasted 3 years…

analogue ways of thinking plus the digital ways of thinking

these are ways of seeing, and do not exist in the real

drawing and painting with thought

individual image is less important is not the centre

all that is solid melts into air - communist manifesto

think the image as a class of images, no master pieces any more - network of art aspects of control (algorithm) and normalcy


Neo-Constructivists and systems artists

Jeffrey Steele - engagement vanishingly small - chaotic or irrational systems 1978

Kenneth Martin transformable series 1966

Gillian Wise

Malcolm Hughes thematic drawings 1972

Anthony Hill - practitioner and theorist

John Ernest - Mobeus Strip 1972

Contructivist manifesto 1922

Theo van Doesburg, Hans Richter et al

{check tate modern site}

sense of openness

Victor Pasmore

how can discursive categories and structures arise into computation?

systematic means of expression

can programmativc methods provide a contemporaneity for new media and art


impermanence aesthetic

why are flaws designed into computer art?

perfection available in modern art - authenticity ( groove in drum machines)


cave painting owns it's own history

filters provide some sense of it's creation algorithmically

Improvised vs Interaction

erratic vs planned framework

why does impermanence move us?

wonder-first of 7 passions descartes, passion of the soul





Digital Plant - responds with sound and light when watered

prototyping to develop concept


william j mitchell -the reconfigured eye

digital camera vs chemical camera

rendering process enables access change and treats images as a set of instructions and numbers

Roger Malina

definitions of computer art

computer graphics

analogue vs digital in the interface

Space - "is something separate -immaterial physical object"

is of a substance by is not a substance

Ben Laposky oscilloscope art

Ruth Leavitt

Ken Musgrave

william fetter

RB Ravensbourne [bromley]

digital spaces for HE

ex RCA

creating an entire building for a digital future



-as nothing

-entity, relationship, physical object

manipulations of space

Myron Krueger 1969

holodeck - star trek animation series

the veldt - Bradbury

immersive worlds


non encumbered


kurt scwitter merzbau 1020s-30s

poem electonique




using the body as the interface

virtual presence

psychological effects of immersion

polaroid sonar sensor??

experiential extremism with elaine lillios

encounter(s) - 2007

gamelan spoken word and electro acoustic

change affected the perception of time

Art in second life, [clubs in home??]

Linden scripting language???

dan coyote antonelli

how interesting is et concept of ender swapping in an artist, or is this is just knee jerk novelty chasing?


sculpture - about mass

Rodin - search for space

Calder mobiles and staples

space and kinetic

interactive virtual sculpture

spacial - no physicality - lines in space

ge-le spirit which eats the soul of a sleeping child, spirit possesses a woman.

purely spacial experience

virtual tactility?

modelling smoke for frank stella

computer and output


prof. fine arts

IK - ex disney


dreamtime fellow

goldsmiths inter disciplinary research


rapid prototyping


advance digital design methods


digital culture - john cage (yes!!!)

i have nothing to say, and I'm saying it

Slade - drawing underpinned practise

Cage -ideas take precedence over practice

make links into CAS

translation of the screen input to physical output an aspect of printmaking

new conception of an image

pictures which have been drawn neither by hand nor carved.

emotional impact of the print quality of computer output

printed and then transferred to etching

bringing together drawing and photography

dust flowers - tim head

becoming = craig martin

julian opie

harry winters

cathy prendergast - lost map landscape of places called 'lost'

contour map of Mount Fuji as a map with cherry blossom


cross fertilisation of old and new technologies to create new forms

Subtractive fabrication

Robert Malory

Richard Hamilton

1968 Mallory experimented with computer aided sculpture

'information amplification device'

laser cutting tools for prototyping

slice chair

transparent furniture

wim delvoye

laser cut steel

bashida grossman

cad drawings used to carve glass crystal blocks internally

digital technology will continue o penetrate the landscape of everyday culture


plotting offers accidents as a contribution

this is all technology again

Jane Prophet

Making Data Physical

has created a bastard - chimera - models and machetes

Decoy algorithmic based works - how a tree would grow in a en classical environment

3d rapid prototype trees

delouse and guttari on the line

object makes a qualitative difference to the work as t is perceived by the viewer

married together rapid prototype of mri scans of heart and lungs


Maria X





Curating Technocultures 2010

Ars Electronica

2003 -digital arts Thames and hudson

Christiane Paul

read me 2.3/

intuitive cloud

linked to trivial and non formal aspects of life

the next five minutes festival

prix ars electronica 2009 (check 2010 site)

ISEA Syposium Ireland

check site

are they still relevant?

NODE london seek to achieve a wide audience

seen as elitist and over contextualised

media art histories - series of conferences

Oliver Grau

q - what is the purpose of media art festivals today?

intimacy visual and digital performance festival


working with digital media and the political use of media

the next five minute festivals

freedom and the way this lies at the core, political implications for, media.

Nothing has changed in the last 40 years

ghetto like quality

use of a computer does not make one a computer artist ( hamilton, stella)

why he resistance

-repudiates any practise which frame of reference is any medium constraint

-really important stuff is free of this connotation

media may breakthrough and through post modern constraint



-art world act as institutional control

-necessity for maintenance

-founded on the impossibility on these aspects of control

1990s utopian moment - hacker ethic - participatory communications

role of media in collapse of eastern block

top down power had lost its edge

remounted in web 2.0 - user gen content

persistence of the myth that knowledge will set you free

and yea shall know the truth and this will set you free

Berlin - least plausible pretence

understanding of what amounts to freedom has changed (wifi, laptops, notebooks, iphone)

autonomous networks - Protocols - by making connections possible - power by exclusion - Password

must question the idea that any democratic expression may take place just by joining the big conversation

Jodi Dean

radical media culture

posted to autonazz?

No, technology and the media are the crucial battleground - soap operas and football help to keep the populous passive.

Fox as Narcotic

democracy as seek involvement to seek the boundaries of society

core subject of all contemporary art


who and why


exhibition transferred to second life arcade V

touch the invisible tactile interface

stereoscopic representation of mobile phone technology



creating continuity between computer art history and contemporary art

what is contemporary art/digital art

digital saloon

digital art - contemporary, separately curated - new generation of artists are digitally literate

cult of the amateur

how to promote aesthetic

mobile spaces/ non art spaces/

changes to the process

trade vs new media?


top down/bottom up effect - all literate

10th New York Salon in Leonardo

art of the digital age T&H 2006

Archives need thought and are essential for public consciousness

digital is being used less frequently

new interfaces will continue to be invented

3d tv/movies on disc/

the pendulum of culture will swing back…

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